Xavier Catholic Schools represent a community of Catholic education (childcare, early learning, elementary, middle school and high school) and a rich tradition of excellence in the Cedar Rapids/Marion area. Our schools provide safe, faith-based learning environments focused on developing the student as a total person. Xavier Catholic Schools cultivates a growth mindset, in which students are driven and supported to succeed in any endeavor.
If you are interested in learning more about our schools or enrolling your child, we encourage you to "xperience" the difference yourself and schedule a visit today!
To schedule a tour at any of our PK-12 Xavier Catholic Schools OR with general questions, reach out to Cara Joens, Admissions Coordinator, today. Feel free to also reach out to any Xavier Catholic School directly (contact information below).
Cara Joens
Admissions Coordinator
319-294-6635 ext. 313
[email protected]
720 29th Street SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
Principal: Lynn Holverson | [email protected]
Website: AllSaints-CRSchool.org | Phone: 319-363-4110 | Facebook | Twitter
Mascot: Bruins
2244 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
St. Matthew's Elementary School
Principal: Amy Conlon | [email protected]
Website: School.StMatthewCR.org | Phone: 319-362-3021
Mascot: Jaguars
St. Matthew's Early Childhood Center
Director: Jackie Luzum | [email protected]
Website: School.StMatthewCR.org | Phone: 319-362-3021
4901 Council Street NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
St. Pius X Elementary School
Principal: Stephanie Sears | ssearsstpiusxschoolcr.com
Website: StPiusXSchoolCR.com | Phone: 319-393-4507
St. Pius X Early Education Center (ELC)
Director: Connie Schulte | [email protected]
Website: StPiusXSchoolCR.com | Phone: 319-200-4546
1430 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302
Principal: Casey Kettmann | [email protected]
Website: SJCSMarion.org | Phone: 319-377-6348 | Facebook | Twitter
3700 1st Ave. NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405
LaSalle Catholic Chief Administrator: Zach Zeckser | [email protected]
LaSalle Catholic Elementary Principal: Heather Williams | [email protected]
Website: HolyFamilyCR.org | Phone: 319-396-7818 | Facebook | Twitter
3700 1st Ave. NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405
Principal & LaSalle Catholic Chief Administrator: Zach Zeckser | [email protected]
Website: HolyFamilyCR.org | Phone: 319-396-7792 | Facebook | Twitter
735 Prairie Dr NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Principal: Josh Gredys | [email protected]
Website: RegisRoyals.org | Phone: 319-363-1968 | Facebook | Twitter
6300 42nd St. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
President: Chris McCarville | [email protected]
Principal: Angela Olson | [email protected]
Admissions & College Coordinator: Cara Joens | [email protected]
Website: XavierSaints.org | Phone: 319-294-6635 | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram